The University of Cape Coast was established in October, 1962 as a University College and placed in a special relationship with the University of Ghana, Legon. On October 1, 1971, the College attained the status of a full and independent University, with the authority to confer its own degrees, diplomas and certificates by an Act of Parliament - The University of Cape Coast Act, 1971 [Act 390] and subsequently the University of Cape Coast Law, 1992 [PNDC Law 278].
There is currently a draft Bill to amend the University of Cape Coast Law, 1992 (PNDCL 278) which repealed the University of Cape Coast, Act 1971 (Act 390), the University of Cape Coast (Amendment) Law, 1990 (P.D.C.L. 241) and the University of Cape Coast (Interim Administration Committee) Law, 1990 (P.N.D.C.L. 243) which established the University as an institution of higher learning. It is expected that, when the Bill is subsequently passed into law, the original mandate of the University would be reviewed to make room for training of personnel in other disciplines to ensure that the focus of the University is widened.